August 29, 1994 Dear Internet user: This archive (CD4-755.ZIP) contains 4 files: READ-ME.TXT - The document you are reading READ-ME.WRI - Documentation for CD4-755.CRD CD4-755.CRD - A Windows Cardfile database for the 755 fonts included with Draw 4 SUBSCRIP.WRI - Subscription information for The CorelDRAW Journal All the files in this archive are © Copyright-1993,1994 - Steve Shubitz and Chris Dickman - All Rights Reserved. The CD4-755.CRD database and all the documents in this archive may not be distributed in any form (including a disk bundled with a book) without the prior written consent of Steve Shubitz and Chris Dickman. No warranties expressed or implied are provided. The data is believed to be accurate and has undergone extensive validation and testing. Be clear that you use this data at your own risk. The CD4-755.ZIP archive may be freely distributed via the Internet subject to the following conditions. All 4 files must be included and the archive file name must be CD4-755.ZIP. CD4-755.CRD was first released on the companion disk of Mastering CorelDRAW (Peachpit Press) and should help you manage your typeface collection more efficently. Please read READ-ME.WRI for complete instructions. Happy Surfing! Steve Shubitz ( Chris Dickman